Sunday, 21 July 2013

Another 2000pts Space Wolf Army List!

Hello there, Aseldi here. This army list is really a more revised and built upon list to the one I reviewed after Conflict Scotland, hopefully expanding it's strengths, and further focusing it.

So let's get started!

Rune Priest - 120pts
-Runic armour

Wolf Priest - 115pts
-Saga of the Wolfkin

Grey Hunters Pack (10) - 185pts
-plasma gun
-plasma gun
-Wolf Standard
-Mark of the Wulfen

Grey Hunters Pack (10) - 185pts
-plasma gun
-plasma gun
-Wolf Standard
-Mark of the Wulfen

Grey Hunter Pack (10) - 175pts
-plasma gun
-Wolf Standard
-Mark of the Wulfen

Wolf Guard Terminator Pack (5) - 425pts
(drop pod)
(Arjac Rockfist, the Anvil of Fenris)
-combi-plasma, power weapon
-combi-plasma, power axe
-combi-melta, power fist
-assault cannon, power weapon

Lone Wolf - 35pts
-Mark of the Wulfen

Thunderwolf Cavalry (3) - 265pts
-storm shield
-storm shield
-storm shield, power fist

Fenrisian Wolf Pack (15) - 120pts

Fenrisian Wolf Pack (15) - 120pts

Long Fangs Pack (6) - 140pts
-5x missile launchers

Long Fangs Pack (60) - 115pts
-5x heavy bolter

TOTAL - 2000pts

The first thing you probably noticed is that I cut the Rhinos, despite having raved in the past about how good they still are. I stand by this, but at this point in 6th ed, the Space Wolf codex is certainly showing it's age, especially with the price of some of the HQs, but I'll hopefully be doing a post on this topic in the near future. So the reason I cut them is that they generally blew up in rather spectacular fashion, killing a few occupants each time. This annoyed me. So by cutting them, I gain access to their full power at all times, despite being more vulnerable. But hey, its footslogging, as the Russ intended.

And that slogan is the one I'm hoping to stick to for this list. By including the character Arjac, the Fenrisian Wolves, and the Lone Wolf, units which only we have access to, it becomes a little more Space Wolf flavoured, and should be more fun to play because of this!

So the Rune Priest, cheap and cheerful, served me well so far, but i am definitely hoping to achieve the feat of killing a Hive Tyrant and a Tervigon with one Jaws of the Worldwolf again!
The Wolf Priest is included mainly to buff the Fenrisian Wolves, but his Preferred Enemy should prove invaluable with one of the plasma armed Grey Hunter packs.

3 Packs of Grey Hunters this time due to the increased game size, and they will be moving forward as an unstoppable line hopefully. Basically moving them wherever the line needs bolstered.

I've had to trim down on the Wolf Claws this time, mainly due to my consistent poor choosing of the rerolls, but I have a little more access to AP2 with the Power Axe, something I sorely felt was missing with the previous list.  They will hopefully be dropping near where the Thunderwolves have managed to weaken the line, then begin the process of butchering enemy heavy infantry from there.
The Lone Wolf is another cheap and cheerful addition, hopefully able to run around, taking down those pesky small units, and maybe even something bigger? Mark of the Wulfen is funny like that. The unit is also sorely overlooked in my opinion, so might as well lead by example.

The Fast Attacks are probably the strangest focus of this list.  The Thunderwolves remain unchanged, but this time they have EVEN MOARE WOLVES! Their primary role is to act as meatshields, charging before the Thunderwolves so they can take the Overwatch shots (tell me if I'm wrong about this rule?) but with Saga of the Wolfkin they can actually deal a nice amount of damage, and their numbers should also bring some added tank to the list. Just hoping they aren't shot at too much... But if they are, at least that's one less unit shooting at the Grey Hunters!
Both units will advance ahead of the Grey Hunters with the Thunderwolves acting mainly as an alpha strike force, almost as a real wolf pack would: weakening the enemy with the expendables and younger wolves before going in for the kill.

The missile launcher Grey Hunters make a return, not much explanation needed, but this time there is also a squad of heavy bolters to aid them.  In the past, I have found the slightly shorter range of the Heavy Bolter a small hinderance, but hopefully I have learned how to use them more effectively now. Especially with the move to footslogging lists on the local meta -cough- these guys should prove invaluable!

And there we have it, a pretty exhaustive breakdown of a list I am yet to even play.  But with all the Space Wolf character in it, it should be a blast no matter what the result!


Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Running Low on Cash? Conversions Ahoy!

Greetings! Aseldi here, and today I'm going to discuss my favourite aspect of converting, the money saving. It sounds like a massive cheap skate comment, which it is, but it's what motivates me to do them for the most part.

Take the Rune Priest I made for Conflict Scotland for example.  I was running low on time before the competition, and had no money to spare on one of the Games Workshop ones. Also, I'm not massively taken by the models they offer.

I'm sure you all keep a bitz box of the spare parts you haven't used (if not, DO IT! It's one of the most important parts of modelling), and in there hundreds of apparently defunct parts reside.  By looking closely, and using the right parts, it's easily possible to create a completely badass looking model for virtually no cost, and that model is unique to you!

A short post, but vaguely relevant during these economically unstable times.


Monday, 15 July 2013

Game Sizes, Are They Really All That?

Hello all! Aseldi here, and with the recent release of the Apocalypse update, I thought I'd go through the significance of points sizes for Warhammer 40,000 games.

With 6th edition, a tonne of new rules were added to the pre-game setup, which add an annoying amount of time to the game when you're getting used to them. Warlord Traits, night fighting etc. This being a fixed amount of time usually, unless ignored, I've found myself playing smaller games over the last few months.

Pre-6th ed, I played normally 3000pts games.  They took pretty long, and in my opinion, felt pretty disconnected.  Very few of the units seemed to have much meaning behind their actions, with only a very select few doing anything during the battles, the rest merely becoming cannon fodder.  With that said, they did have an epic feel, with the battle swinging back and forth multiple times over the course of the game.

On the other hand, I also played quite a few 750pts battle, with just a couple of units each side.  These felt much more intimate, with each unit having to pull its weight and earning a good share of glory.  They were short, and great for a quick afternoon tournament amongst a group of friends, though they did tend to favour certain armies. (WOO! SPACE WOLVES!)

Those are the two ends of the spectrum, excluding Apocalypse, and the Battle Missions scenarios.

I usually tend to plan an army for 2000pts as an aim to buy. (as has been proven by the majority of army lists posted on the blog)  This gives a good wide pool of troops to take from for smaller games, and allows a great feel for what the army has to offer, and is capable of playing a larger game over an afternoon too!

Currently, my favourite size is probably 1250pts.  It allows at least 1 very strong unit, and the rest to be focused around this, allowing plenty of synergy and giving the army a very centralised feel. Each unit's actions are pivotal, and the games are very tactical, as units cannot be thrown away without consequence.

So what am I trying to say? Well, as a Space Wolf player, from a game I want: units to each gain glory by performing heroic feats, which can be added to a Saga written in their name (a little something I'm thinking of starting), brutal combats and the games to fairly tense, with every move being significant.  By this, I naturally vie towards the lower end of the points spectrum, between 750-1500pts.

A bit of a ramble, but it's been on my mind recently. Smaller to medium sized ones are my preference. Next time you're arranging a game, give the points limit a think, and what it will add to the game, not just the time it will take.


Monday, 8 July 2013

Army List Review

Hello all, Aseldi here today to review the list I took to Conflict Scotland.

Firstly, here's the list I took.
Rune Priest - 120pts
-Runic armour

Grey Hunter Pack (10) - 220pts
-plasma gun
-plasma gun
-Wolf Standard
-Mark of the Wulfen

Grey Hunter Pack (10) - 235pts
-plasma gun
-power fist
-Wolf Standard
-Mark of the Wulfen

Wolf Guard Pack (5) - 270pts
(Drop Pod)
-5x terminator armour
-combi-plasma, wolf calw
-combi-plasma, wolf calw
-assault cannon
-combi-melta, power fist

Thunderwolf Cavalry - 265pts
-3x storm shields

Longs Fangs Pack - 140pts
-5x missile launcher

And I'll start off by going over the Grey Hunters. They were fantastic! Definitely stand by the claim they are the best troops in the game. I had them stay in the Rhinos as long as possible (which usually ended up with it exploding and killing a couple) firing out the hatches with the plasma guns, and a bolter in the case of the other squad as well. When they were eventually de-meched, the enemy was faced with an increased volley of bolter fire! So win win either way in my opinion. In combat they did superbly as well, dishing out a frankly obscene amount of attacks, reducing most other units to nothing!
    Item wise, I think the gun load out works well.  Wolf Standard is insane! And Mark of the Wulfen is a great bonus too. The only thing I still hold doubts about is the power fist, but it did bag a couple of guaranteed kills, so I guess it was worth it.
    Rhinos also remain pretty sturdy, considering all the anti-infanty weaponry people bring these days usually being rather ineffective against them.

Now the Wolf Guard. These guys scored me First Blood most games, which is always nice.  Things I've learned though - WTF NECRON LORDS?! I should have known something was up when it made a complete U-turn and came for my Termies as they dropped in! S7 ignoring armour saves... Seriously?? I thought Necrons were poor in close combat?? But I'll save that rant for another day. 
    Generally, placing the drop pod worked well when it was where the enemy line was weakest, allowing me to break it and cause the enemy to have to reposition to deal with them. In close combat they also fared well for the most part, but I did feel the lack of AP2 sorely.
    And their loadout. Combi-weapons are great for 5pts, those plasma and melta shots delivered at the right time can be a game changer!  I love assault cannons, 4 shots S6 AP4 rending? Need I say more? And Wolf Claws did come in use, but I have a habit of calling rerolls and then being successful in all of them anyway, then fail the set I can't reroll.

The Thunderwolf Cavalry.  Very hit and miss. Some practice with these guys is needed I reckon. For a start, I'm awful at rolling their saving throws! Losing 2 to Overwatch is awful!  But they bring to bear an insane amount of rending attacks, and S10 Ap2 hits, very nice.  Usually I'd just charge them at the first thing I saw, which isn't a good idea, I need to learn which units to prioritise with them for sure. I have an idea about how to reduce the amount they suffer from overwatch, but another post.
    Storm shields are great, worth the points for sure (if I could ever make the save anyway...) and the powerfist is good too!

And now the Long Fangs! Again, a tricky one. The opponents I faced generally didn't have many great targets for them... And the ones that did kept them in buildings with a 4+ cover save they ALWAYS made. So I guess I am a little disappointed they didn't do as much as they have in the past, but they have the potential to decimate enemy vehicles and heavy infantry!
    Taking 5 missile launchers with them is my favourite way being honest. But I actually think 5 heavy bolters would have been more effective against the infantry heavy lists I ended up facing.

Finally, the Rune Priest.  I ended up being thoroughly unimaginative, and taking Divination, opting for Prescience each time. He buffed the Long Fangs and nearby units no end, so a great addition. But I felt I should have made more use of him than just sitting him at the back sending blessings. Perhaps against another army.
    A cheap and cheerful build, but one which offers great value for points!!

There we go, a rather large wall of text describing my army's performance. I hope it can help you when you're selecting units to take, and give you some things to consider too!  Overall, my top rated unit would definitely be the Grey Hunters, for the consistent brilliance!


Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Rune Priest Conversion

Hello again, Aseldi here once more. This time, I'm here with the intention of explaining how I made the Rune Priest.

Pretty simple conversion really, and a definite money saver giving better results than the bought model in my opinion!!
The picture taken at Warhammer World.

First I took a Chaos Warrior cloak, and the front and legs of a normal Space Wolf. The sides of the body front had to be quite heavily cut to fit between the cloak's shoulders, then filled the remaining gaps with blu-tac (AMAZING MODELLING TOOL BY THE WAY! It also is now holding on my Wolf Guard's arms on, so I can keep them as flexible as possible, both in posing and arming), but modelling putty would probably work better, if you have it, and then stuck the body and legs together on the cloak.

Then it was a matter of finding a suitable weapon. I wanted it to be a Force Staff, so clearly the biggest stick in my bitz box would have to do: the Chaos Knight lance! I had to cut it off just to the elbow, then sick it onto the cloak. The same was also done with a bolt pistol.

And then the head was stuck on. Pretty simple really, and with a totally badass Rune Priest to finish!


The Aftermath

Wow. That's all I can really say about this year's Conflict Scotland. First time to Warhammer World, and the place does not disappoint, I highly recommend it if you get the chance to go.

So here are my impressions of Warhammer World.
You arrive, and are instantly greeted by a massive space marine statue in front of the main building, which also has a rather massive imperial insignia embossed above the doors.  Bugmans bar was great too, with plenty of artefacts lining the walls, with a wee bit of lore for each.
The main hall. Those gaming tables. That's it really, they were insane! What I would give for a game on one of those.
And finally, the miniature showcase. It is breathtaking, and will either demoralise you eternally from painting, or inspire you to even further feats of the brush. For me, it was probably the former  though.  The diorama of the Space Wolves vs Tyranids was unbelievable as well!

Incidentally, there is also a rather massive GW store at the back, at least 3 times the size of my local one.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to post any battle reports, cause quite frankly, I can't remember what happened that well. But what I can remember is that I played 3 great opponents, had some of the best games I've ever had, and am definitely hoping to attend more of these events in the future!! I lost my first game to Necrons, a close match (despite me being left with only my Rune Priest with just 1 Wound left).
The second game was against a Dark Angel player. Great guy, only his 3rd game ever or something insane like that.  Considering this, he was doing brilliantly! But I do feel like a bit of a git for mercilessly tabling him.
The third army I faced was an Ultrasmurfs 6th company. It had 3 Storm Talons. I was dubious of my chances, since I'd brought absolutely nothing to deal with flyers. He was also very good at his saves (saying Emperor Protects really does help it would seem...) But in the end I managed to eek out a win, but great game all round with some tough decisions, and the hardest fought for first blood I have ever had!! I had also been moved from table 26 to 12 for this, so was pretty chuffed!

Overall I came joint 15th, which I was amazed by!
