Sunday 30 June 2013

The Sprint Finish!

Hello there! Aseldi here,

As you know from my last post, I took the widely discouraged, yet most commonly taken approach of 'leave it all to the last minute' for my painting for Conflict Scotland. Thankfully, I seem to have kept on track so far today, completely one Grey Hunter pack, Long Fangs pack and the Thunderwolves. This leaves me with only the Wolf Guard and the other Grey Hunter pack to paint, which should be manageable! 

On the other hand, I'm yet to actually get a rune priest... So I reckon I'll throw together a quick conversion using a Chaos Warrior cloak (heresy I know) and a torso and legs I have spare with the generic staff etc. 

So that's my rambling for today, and on the topic of CS, I'm hoping to get some battle reports, but with a lack of a camera, this could prove difficult.

Pics will be up tomorrow hopefully,

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