Monday, 25 March 2013

To Take, or Not to Take the Metal Box?

Greetings all, Aseldi here to look over the changes brought upon general army composition brought by 6th edition. More specifically, whether to take a footslogging list, or transports?

Firstly, I'll state that by transports, I mean 10 Grey Hunters in a Rhino.  I've never been a fan off the MSU list, and I seem incapable of taking squads of fewer than 10 marines...

Right, to business.  Space Wolves are the perfect choice, out of marines at least, for both of these lists.  We can do footslogging well, and rhinos are nice and conforming with What Russ Intended.

Footslogging, we can easily take a Wolf Guard Squad leader in terminator armour, and stick him on the front of a unit. He acts like a small tank, soaking up all incoming fire on his 2+ armour save, and seriously annoying your opponent.  He also adds a nice wee challenge ability to a squad that wouldn't otherwise have it, and with a variety of wargear at his disposal, can be kitted out to deal with almost any threat. So all sounds good so far doesn't it? And it looks great having squads led by a terminator marching across the battlefield towards an enemy!
But I don't use this one... Despite the benefits above.  This is mainly because I have the worst luck with armour saves ever.  Every time I've used this tactic, my terminator has died to the first bolter shot his way, removing the unit's whole utility, but by no means their effectiveness (they are Grey Hunters after all!).  I just dislike this possibility, and as it happens so often, I rarely feel inclined to spend roughly 35pts on the guy...

Now to our old friend the Rhino! At the beginning of 6th, it seemed to be an endangered species, people proclaiming left right and centre that mech lists were on the down (and to an extent they were right), and Rhinos had been hit by the nerf bat.  However, in my opinion, the situation is quite the contrary! 
Lets look at the stats: For 35pts we get a 11/11/10 vehicle which can boost our Grey Hunters 18" up the board right towards the objectives, where they want to be.  Armour 11 negates most armies' basic weaponry too.  And if they happen to survive past the first turn, they can act as a screening unit, which can be invaluable!  3 HP is also pretty survivable, but with the rise of plasma, still a little tenuous.

In conclusion, currently I am using the Rhino tactic. It has more reliability, and adds a huge amount of manoeuvrability to an otherwise relatively slow army, and can allow a Grey Hunter squad to stay nearby those Thunderwolves.

Painting Space Wolves

Here's a brief showcase of a couple of the Space Wolves I have managed to paint.  I'm hoping to complete all of them in the summer, having purchased the full 2000pts list I posted before, giving me my first ever completed project! Here's hoping I'm able to stay focused for that long...

Overall, I'm pleased with how they turned out, and I am definitely sticking with the colour scheme (the one recommended on the Games Workshop paint guide).  It's very wash heavy, and I like the rugged look it gives them.


The Question of Selling.

Aseldi here, and I'm stuck in a rut.  I am left with increasingly less money to spend on the hobby, and have been left with multiple unfinished projects... In fact, to date, I have never actually completed one. Very few of my models are painted, a few aren't even built! And there are stacks of vanilla Marines which sit there collecting dust; remnants from my first forays into the hobby.

So now I'm left with the question: What do I do with these masses of vanilla marines sitting gathering dust? I probably won't ever use them in their current state, seeing as I far prefer the aesthetic of Space Wolves, and am trying to create a Dark Angel army based on Raven/Deathwing.  Their layout is also reflective of someone inexperienced, and the paint jobs on a couple of them... Well, i was young.

Though I hate the idea of parting with models I have bought, built, and to an extent, painted, overall I think it could be of benefit.
The money I make could be put towards getting the last bits of my 2000pts Space Wolf army, and finally purchasing the new Dark Angel Codex.  This would leave me with a far more coherent collection, and a much less daunting pile of grey to paint.

So, I put the question out to anyone who reads this blog, have you ever been in the dilemma where you have masses of models you can't see any hope of ever using? And if so, would you be in favour of selling them to fund current projects, or allow them to gather dust for years until you get round to using them?