Monday, 25 March 2013

The Question of Selling.

Aseldi here, and I'm stuck in a rut.  I am left with increasingly less money to spend on the hobby, and have been left with multiple unfinished projects... In fact, to date, I have never actually completed one. Very few of my models are painted, a few aren't even built! And there are stacks of vanilla Marines which sit there collecting dust; remnants from my first forays into the hobby.

So now I'm left with the question: What do I do with these masses of vanilla marines sitting gathering dust? I probably won't ever use them in their current state, seeing as I far prefer the aesthetic of Space Wolves, and am trying to create a Dark Angel army based on Raven/Deathwing.  Their layout is also reflective of someone inexperienced, and the paint jobs on a couple of them... Well, i was young.

Though I hate the idea of parting with models I have bought, built, and to an extent, painted, overall I think it could be of benefit.
The money I make could be put towards getting the last bits of my 2000pts Space Wolf army, and finally purchasing the new Dark Angel Codex.  This would leave me with a far more coherent collection, and a much less daunting pile of grey to paint.

So, I put the question out to anyone who reads this blog, have you ever been in the dilemma where you have masses of models you can't see any hope of ever using? And if so, would you be in favour of selling them to fund current projects, or allow them to gather dust for years until you get round to using them?


  1. Well, I had a fairly sizeable Eldar army that I sold off back in 5th to buy my Dark Eldar. With my Tau and DE now able to take them as allies I do sometimes wish I still had them.

    That being said, if you aren't ever likely to use them then I think there is a case for selling them. I was pretty bored of Eldar at the time and I doubt the new book will rekindle my interest.

    Only you know the pressures on your funding so if selling them seems like the only way to get the collection you want then go for it. Better to have a smaller collection of stuff you actually want than tons of stuff collecting dust.

    Only other thing I'd say is there's a lot of cash in bits so if you sell off your bits box piece by piece you might find enough to keep your other armies!

  2. Come to think of it, there is always the possibility for conversions of some of the models. For example, I'm going to try doing some minor conversions of my old Tactical Marines to Grey Hunters, and Chaos Warhounds to Fenrisian Wolves. Should prove valuable!
