So let's get started!
Rune Priest - 120pts
-Runic armour
Wolf Priest - 115pts
Grey Hunters Pack (10) - 185pts
-plasma gun
-plasma gun
-Wolf Standard
-Mark of the Wulfen
Grey Hunters Pack (10) - 185pts
-plasma gun
-plasma gun
-Wolf Standard
-Mark of the Wulfen
Grey Hunter Pack (10) - 175pts
-plasma gun
-Wolf Standard
-Mark of the Wulfen
Wolf Guard Terminator Pack (5) - 425pts
(drop pod)
(Arjac Rockfist, the Anvil of Fenris)
-combi-plasma, power weapon
-combi-plasma, power axe
-combi-melta, power fist
-assault cannon, power weapon
Lone Wolf - 35pts
-Mark of the Wulfen
Thunderwolf Cavalry (3) - 265pts
-storm shield
-storm shield
-storm shield, power fist
Fenrisian Wolf Pack (15) - 120pts
Fenrisian Wolf Pack (15) - 120pts
Long Fangs Pack (6) - 140pts
-5x missile launchers
Long Fangs Pack (60) - 115pts
-5x heavy bolter
TOTAL - 2000pts
The first thing you probably noticed is that I cut the Rhinos, despite having raved in the past about how good they still are. I stand by this, but at this point in 6th ed, the Space Wolf codex is certainly showing it's age, especially with the price of some of the HQs, but I'll hopefully be doing a post on this topic in the near future. So the reason I cut them is that they generally blew up in rather spectacular fashion, killing a few occupants each time. This annoyed me. So by cutting them, I gain access to their full power at all times, despite being more vulnerable. But hey, its footslogging, as the Russ intended.
And that slogan is the one I'm hoping to stick to for this list. By including the character Arjac, the Fenrisian Wolves, and the Lone Wolf, units which only we have access to, it becomes a little more Space Wolf flavoured, and should be more fun to play because of this!
So the Rune Priest, cheap and cheerful, served me well so far, but i am definitely hoping to achieve the feat of killing a Hive Tyrant and a Tervigon with one Jaws of the Worldwolf again!
The Wolf Priest is included mainly to buff the Fenrisian Wolves, but his Preferred Enemy should prove invaluable with one of the plasma armed Grey Hunter packs.
3 Packs of Grey Hunters this time due to the increased game size, and they will be moving forward as an unstoppable line hopefully. Basically moving them wherever the line needs bolstered.

I've had to trim down on the Wolf Claws this time, mainly due to my consistent poor choosing of the rerolls, but I have a little more access to AP2 with the Power Axe, something I sorely felt was missing with the previous list. They will hopefully be dropping near where the Thunderwolves have managed to weaken the line, then begin the process of butchering enemy heavy infantry from there.
The Lone Wolf is another cheap and cheerful addition, hopefully able to run around, taking down those pesky small units, and maybe even something bigger? Mark of the Wulfen is funny like that. The unit is also sorely overlooked in my opinion, so might as well lead by example.
Both units will advance ahead of the Grey Hunters with the Thunderwolves acting mainly as an alpha strike force, almost as a real wolf pack would: weakening the enemy with the expendables and younger wolves before going in for the kill.
The missile launcher Grey Hunters make a return, not much explanation needed, but this time there is also a squad of heavy bolters to aid them. In the past, I have found the slightly shorter range of the Heavy Bolter a small hinderance, but hopefully I have learned how to use them more effectively now. Especially with the move to footslogging lists on the local meta -cough- these guys should prove invaluable!
And there we have it, a pretty exhaustive breakdown of a list I am yet to even play. But with all the Space Wolf character in it, it should be a blast no matter what the result!