Firstly, here's the list I took.
Rune Priest - 120pts
-Runic armour
Grey Hunter Pack (10) - 220pts
-plasma gun
-plasma gun
-Wolf Standard
-Mark of the Wulfen
Grey Hunter Pack (10) - 235pts
-plasma gun
-power fist
-Wolf Standard
-Mark of the Wulfen
Wolf Guard Pack (5) - 270pts
(Drop Pod)
-5x terminator armour
-combi-plasma, wolf calw
-combi-plasma, wolf calw
-assault cannon
-combi-melta, power fist
Thunderwolf Cavalry - 265pts
-3x storm shields
Longs Fangs Pack - 140pts
-5x missile launcher
And I'll start off by going over the Grey Hunters. They were fantastic! Definitely stand by the claim they are the best troops in the game. I had them stay in the Rhinos as long as possible (which usually ended up with it exploding and killing a couple) firing out the hatches with the plasma guns, and a bolter in the case of the other squad as well. When they were eventually de-meched, the enemy was faced with an increased volley of bolter fire! So win win either way in my opinion. In combat they did superbly as well, dishing out a frankly obscene amount of attacks, reducing most other units to nothing!
Item wise, I think the gun load out works well. Wolf Standard is insane! And Mark of the Wulfen is a great bonus too. The only thing I still hold doubts about is the power fist, but it did bag a couple of guaranteed kills, so I guess it was worth it.
Rhinos also remain pretty sturdy, considering all the anti-infanty weaponry people bring these days usually being rather ineffective against them.
Generally, placing the drop pod worked well when it was where the enemy line was weakest, allowing me to break it and cause the enemy to have to reposition to deal with them. In close combat they also fared well for the most part, but I did feel the lack of AP2 sorely.
And their loadout. Combi-weapons are great for 5pts, those plasma and melta shots delivered at the right time can be a game changer! I love assault cannons, 4 shots S6 AP4 rending? Need I say more? And Wolf Claws did come in use, but I have a habit of calling rerolls and then being successful in all of them anyway, then fail the set I can't reroll.
The Thunderwolf Cavalry. Very hit and miss. Some practice with these guys is needed I reckon. For a start, I'm awful at rolling their saving throws! Losing 2 to Overwatch is awful! But they bring to bear an insane amount of rending attacks, and S10 Ap2 hits, very nice. Usually I'd just charge them at the first thing I saw, which isn't a good idea, I need to learn which units to prioritise with them for sure. I have an idea about how to reduce the amount they suffer from overwatch, but another post.
Storm shields are great, worth the points for sure (if I could ever make the save anyway...) and the powerfist is good too!
Taking 5 missile launchers with them is my favourite way being honest. But I actually think 5 heavy bolters would have been more effective against the infantry heavy lists I ended up facing.
Finally, the Rune Priest. I ended up being thoroughly unimaginative, and taking Divination, opting for Prescience each time. He buffed the Long Fangs and nearby units no end, so a great addition. But I felt I should have made more use of him than just sitting him at the back sending blessings. Perhaps against another army.
A cheap and cheerful build, but one which offers great value for points!!
There we go, a rather large wall of text describing my army's performance. I hope it can help you when you're selecting units to take, and give you some things to consider too! Overall, my top rated unit would definitely be the Grey Hunters, for the consistent brilliance!
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