You arrive, and are instantly greeted by a massive space marine statue in front of the main building, which also has a rather massive imperial insignia embossed above the doors. Bugmans bar was great too, with plenty of artefacts lining the walls, with a wee bit of lore for each.
The main hall. Those gaming tables. That's it really, they were insane! What I would give for a game on one of those.
And finally, the miniature showcase. It is breathtaking, and will either demoralise you eternally from painting, or inspire you to even further feats of the brush. For me, it was probably the former though. The diorama of the Space Wolves vs Tyranids was unbelievable as well!
Incidentally, there is also a rather massive GW store at the back, at least 3 times the size of my local one.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to post any battle reports, cause quite frankly, I can't remember what happened that well. But what I can remember is that I played 3 great opponents, had some of the best games I've ever had, and am definitely hoping to attend more of these events in the future!! I lost my first game to Necrons, a close match (despite me being left with only my Rune Priest with just 1 Wound left).
The second game was against a Dark Angel player. Great guy, only his 3rd game ever or something insane like that. Considering this, he was doing brilliantly! But I do feel like a bit of a git for mercilessly tabling him.
The third army I faced was an Ultrasmurfs 6th company. It had 3 Storm Talons. I was dubious of my chances, since I'd brought absolutely nothing to deal with flyers. He was also very good at his saves (saying Emperor Protects really does help it would seem...) But in the end I managed to eek out a win, but great game all round with some tough decisions, and the hardest fought for first blood I have ever had!! I had also been moved from table 26 to 12 for this, so was pretty chuffed!
Overall I came joint 15th, which I was amazed by!
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