22h of painting later, I have finally finished my 1250pts Space Wolf army for Conflict Scotland! Not much else to say, back is killing me, and I'm going to have nightmares of pains running out for weeks, but I finished it!
And here are the pictures, safe to say I'm pleased.
As I'm a bit pushed for time, that's all for now, comments are greatly appreciated!
Sunday, 30 June 2013
The Sprint Finish!
Hello there! Aseldi here,
As you know from my last post, I took the widely discouraged, yet most commonly taken approach of 'leave it all to the last minute' for my painting for Conflict Scotland. Thankfully, I seem to have kept on track so far today, completely one Grey Hunter pack, Long Fangs pack and the Thunderwolves. This leaves me with only the Wolf Guard and the other Grey Hunter pack to paint, which should be manageable!
On the other hand, I'm yet to actually get a rune priest... So I reckon I'll throw together a quick conversion using a Chaos Warrior cloak (heresy I know) and a torso and legs I have spare with the generic staff etc.
So that's my rambling for today, and on the topic of CS, I'm hoping to get some battle reports, but with a lack of a camera, this could prove difficult.
Pics will be up tomorrow hopefully,
Monday, 24 June 2013
The Inevitable Has Occurred!
Hello all! Aseldi here to proclaim that indeed, the schedule I posted on the blog a couple of weeks ago has been completely neglected! Here we are, a week from the event, and I've just finished assembling and basepainting the best part of my army...
So it seems the next few days will be rather frantic. To give an idea of the scale of the task (which is definitely achievable), here are some pictures of my army! (minus the Rune Priest... which I am yet to produce, as i completely ran out of superglue and have never gotten round to renewing it...)
So it seems the next few days will be rather frantic. To give an idea of the scale of the task (which is definitely achievable), here are some pictures of my army! (minus the Rune Priest... which I am yet to produce, as i completely ran out of superglue and have never gotten round to renewing it...)
Monday, 10 June 2013
Rhino Painting Step by Step Guide
Greetings to all who've graced this Blog! Aseldi here with a followup to yesterday's painting article, with a run through on how I painted the Rhino, in case you want to go for the same look, or maybe get some inspiration.
Like I've said before, I'm on a pretty tight time and budget, so have stuck to a few simple steps, which can be applied across my whole army, using similar colours.
The paints are mainly from the recommended Space Wolf colour scheme on the Games Workshop site (cause I'm creative like that...). So they go as follows:
And can be found here to buy from the GW
So, I started off by spraying the Rhino black (duh) then base-coated it The Fang, followed by a wash of Nuln Oil.
Next, I painted most of the raised areas Russ Grey.
After that, I painted the edges, and most raised areas Fenrisian Grey. As well as adding some of the old Mechrite Red to the banner, and painted the casing of the weapons Abaddon Black.
I then gave the whole model another liberal wash of Nuln Oil (I get through that paint massively quick...)
After the wash had dried, I used Etherium Blue over the model from front to back, like I imagined the wind would blow the snow over it as it raced through the desolate, freezing, landscape.
I really like the look of the model at this stage, as if it's being frozen by the harsh surroundings, frost accumulating on every surface. But with the introduction of the texture paints, I thought I'd add some Mourn Mountain Snow onto the areas around the treads, where the snow would be thrown by the movement of the vehicle.
And there we have it! My humble guide to painting the Space Wolf Rhino! This wasn't at all an alternative to painting the rest of my army...
As always, comments are greatly appreciated!
Sunday, 9 June 2013
Week 1 - Painting update
Anyway, here's what I've achieved this week. I'm by no means brilliant... But I'm aiming for a thoroughly weathered snow effect, and I think I got that!
Also, being under massive time and budget constraints, I'm using a fairly limited palette. Should pay off though.
So there you are! I'm pleased with actually finishing it, and what it looks like. Hopefully I'll get a step by step up tomorrow on how I painted the Rhinos.
Painting Schedule
Hello all! Ok, I'm going to post a painting schedule up here in the hope I can actually adhere to it. I'm painting towards the list I posted earlier today, so it will go along these lines
Week commencing 3rd June: 2x Rhinos and a Drop Pod
Week commencing 10th June: 1 Grey Hunter Pack and Thunder Wolf Cavalry
Week commencing 17th June: 1 Grey Hunter Pack and Wolf Guard
Week commencing 24th June: Rune Priest and Long Fangs, and finishing the squad I inevitably don't get done.
Week commencing 3rd June: 2x Rhinos and a Drop Pod
Week commencing 10th June: 1 Grey Hunter Pack and Thunder Wolf Cavalry
Week commencing 17th June: 1 Grey Hunter Pack and Wolf Guard
Week commencing 24th June: Rune Priest and Long Fangs, and finishing the squad I inevitably don't get done.
1250pts Space Wolf Army List - Conflict Scotland
Ok, so here's the list I'm taking to Nottingham on July 1st for Conflict Scotland. I haven't designed it with power in mind, for a couple of reasons. One being I don't actually have a very large collection of Space Wolves, so I need to make use of everything I have just to make the points, and it all needs to be painted, a feat I have never achieved.
Anyway, so to the list!
Rune Priest - 120pts
-Runic armour

Grey Hunter Pack (10) - 220pts
-plasma gun
-plasma gun
-Wolf Standard
-Mark of the Wulfen
Grey Hunter Pack (10) - 235pts
-plasma gun
-power fist
-Wolf Standard
-Mark of the Wulfen
Wolf Guard Pack (5) - 270pts
(Drop Pod)
-5x terminator armour
-combi-plasma, wolf calw
-combi-plasma, wolf calw
-assault cannon
-combi-melta, power fist
Thunderwolf Cavalry - 265pts
-3x storm shields
Longs Fangs Pack - 140pts
-5x missile launcher
So the idea with this is that it's rather balanced across he FOC, with something in every slot.
The Rune Priest, depending on the opponent, will either be staying back with the Long Fangs, using Divination powers, or up front, with JotWW making a mess of monstrous creatures.
The Grey Hunter packs will be going for the objectives, with the Rhinos, if they survive this long, blocking vision and charges.
The Thunderwolves will probably be charging towards the biggest, scariest enemy unit available, possibly even with a first turn charge, as we don't want these guys out in the middle of nowhere getting shot to pieces, which is bound to be what the enemy will try to do. Cover will be used to my advantage too, since they can charge through it with little debuff other than the dangerous terrain test.
The Wolf Guard, the surprise unit. Basically, with them automatically arriving first go, they will land where they can back up the rest of the army. I can see this usually being near the TWC, as the combi-meltas have a good chance of popping an enemy Land Raider, or similar heavy vehicle.
Cons about this list are mainly the lack of anti-air. But it is a Space Wolf list after all, so it's not as if we can do much anyway. And with the smaller size of the game, and my general dislike of the allies function, I didn't want to turn to that. I suppose if things become desperate, I can use the Long Fangs, with rerolls to hit from the Rune Priest, to try and take down those fliers.
Other than that, I'm pretty pleased with it. Like I said, not built around power, but should be good fun to play!
As always, post your comments in the section below.
Anyway, so to the list!
Rune Priest - 120pts
-Runic armour
Grey Hunter Pack (10) - 220pts
-plasma gun
-plasma gun
-Wolf Standard
-Mark of the Wulfen
Grey Hunter Pack (10) - 235pts
-plasma gun
-power fist
-Wolf Standard
-Mark of the Wulfen
Wolf Guard Pack (5) - 270pts
(Drop Pod)
-5x terminator armour
-combi-plasma, wolf calw
-combi-plasma, wolf calw
-assault cannon
-combi-melta, power fist
Thunderwolf Cavalry - 265pts
-3x storm shields
Longs Fangs Pack - 140pts
-5x missile launcher
So the idea with this is that it's rather balanced across he FOC, with something in every slot.
The Rune Priest, depending on the opponent, will either be staying back with the Long Fangs, using Divination powers, or up front, with JotWW making a mess of monstrous creatures.
The Grey Hunter packs will be going for the objectives, with the Rhinos, if they survive this long, blocking vision and charges.
The Thunderwolves will probably be charging towards the biggest, scariest enemy unit available, possibly even with a first turn charge, as we don't want these guys out in the middle of nowhere getting shot to pieces, which is bound to be what the enemy will try to do. Cover will be used to my advantage too, since they can charge through it with little debuff other than the dangerous terrain test.
The Wolf Guard, the surprise unit. Basically, with them automatically arriving first go, they will land where they can back up the rest of the army. I can see this usually being near the TWC, as the combi-meltas have a good chance of popping an enemy Land Raider, or similar heavy vehicle.
Cons about this list are mainly the lack of anti-air. But it is a Space Wolf list after all, so it's not as if we can do much anyway. And with the smaller size of the game, and my general dislike of the allies function, I didn't want to turn to that. I suppose if things become desperate, I can use the Long Fangs, with rerolls to hit from the Rune Priest, to try and take down those fliers.
Other than that, I'm pretty pleased with it. Like I said, not built around power, but should be good fun to play!
As always, post your comments in the section below.
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