Tuesday, 19 February 2013

For the Glory of Chaos(2000pt Army List)

Sorry this took so long

So I’m listening to “Call to the Warrior” by Affiance so Ifeel it only proper that honour of this great song I post my first Chaos SpaceMarine army list. The following list is one that I have only played a couple oftimes but I haven’t lost with it at all so far. It’s a 2000pt list and quitefluffy for those of us who like Father Nurgle (I say here fluffy and by that Imean there are no Tzeentch based units). I have given all my units Veterans ofthe Long War (VOTLW) and that was because this list was originally designed tofight the first army list posted by Aseldi. But I digress. So here is the armylist:


Chaos Lord – Terminator Armour, Mark of Nurgle, MurderSword, - 160pts
                        VOTLW,Ichor Blood (This was really a points filler)

This lord is quite tough with toughness 5 and a 2+ Armoursave. My idea here was to have this guy be used mainly as a deterrent to Logan(because lets face it, that is one scary wolf). However that tactic works justas well with any other character. You’ll find that most players aren’tparticularly keen to pit their prized lord up against S8 AP1 Instant Death.Though beware of thinking this guy is invincible. Your opponent will aim everyweapon they can at this guy to keep him off their lord so stick him in a niceLand Raider or, for a cheap alternative, a unit of cultists. You could even tryDeep Striking him though this is something I haven’t tried.

Chaos Sorcerer – Mark of Nurgle, VOTLW, Lvl 2, SpellFamiliar – 120pts

Here is a unit that has never failed to under-perform in thegames I’ve played. But the upside here is that it is a cheap psyker that (ifyou roll well for your spells) can do devastating amounts of damage to yourenemies elite units. I recommend putting your second roll on telepathy, as thisis personally my favourite discipline especially if your enemy decides to fieldDark Reapers (If you don’t know what these are then you are incredibly lucky)and you roll “Puppet Master”. Otherwise I tend to just go for Psychic Shriek,an awesome power even against Marines (remember they are only Ld 8-9 unlessthey have a HQ with them and they don’t even get there shiny 3+ armour). Sothis guy you just put into a rhino with one of the squads of Plague Marines andcause havoc.


(7)Plague Marines – 2xPlasma Gun, VOTLW, Rhino – 240pts
(7)Plague Marines  - 2xPlasmaGun, VOTLW, Rhino – 240pts

So these are the two units that this army revolves around.Plague Marines are undoubtedly one of the best units available to any CSMplayer and even though they aren’t automatically troops anymore the simpleinclusion of a chaos lord with Mark of Nurgle unlocks them as troops (Meaningthey can hold objectives!). There may only be 7 of them per squad but youropponent will cower in fear when your two filth-encrusted Rhinos charge forwardblasting up to 4 S7 AP2 shots each! On top of that if you plonk a squad ofthese on an objective nothing short of a Genestealer assault (and even theymight have difficulty) will shift them.

(20)Cultists –(No upgrades) – 90pts
(20)Cultists –(No upgrades) – 90pts

Cheap and cheerful is the motto here. Having 40 cheap fleshwoun- I mean uhh…. Loyal followers…. Yeah…. But anyway the fact that you canfield so many of these for so little points means that you can easily use theseguys to tar-pit units or just use them to hold an objective.

(10) Chaos Space Marines - (No upgrades)-140pts

Well these guys might seam a little pointless in the armyand that’s fair enough these guys do however make an excellent hiding spot forthe Lord or the Sorcerer if their squad gets destroyed and they happen to benearby. To be perfectly honest this unit was really just a points-filler butwith careful manipulation of the list you could probably turn this unit into aunit of Raptors or such-like things.


(8) Khorne Berzerkers - VOTLW, Icon of Wrath(Optional) – 185pts

So here we have the close combat monster unit. But lets faceit, after all these editions everyone knows that. So these guys will be amassive bullet magnet. Now… How do we fix this problem? The answer: PUT THEM INA LAND RAIDER! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! No but seriously putting these guys inthe Land Raider with the Chaos Lord gives them a quick ride into enemy linesand putting them with the Chaos Lord as well gives you an insane close combatunit which your opponent will put a lot of effort into destroying.

Fast Attack

Helldrake – Bale Flamer – 170pts

Never leave your house without one. That simple. This is byfar one of the best fliers in the game. If you need it to hunt the enemiesfliers and vehicles just leave the Hades Autocannon on it. With the Daemonforgethis thing will take out any vehicle that you point it at (Bar maybe a Monolithor Land Raider). Alternatively with a Bale Flamer this flying monstrositybecomes the bane of your enemies ranged infantry squads (Long Fangs beware!).This guy will reach them instantly burn them to ash and has the ability tovector strike a Dreadnought to death in the same turn! And if that’s not enoughto convince you to put this in your list, then fact that it is a flying, metalchaos DRAGON(!!!!!!) will!

Heavy Support

Land Raider – Dirge Caster – 235pts

So this is the awesome clump of metal that safely gets yourlovely disciples of the Blood God (Talking about the ‘Zerkers here) intocombat.  However in recent games afterdoing that this unit tends to be spectacularly underwhelming. It might be ableto pop another vehicle or so but apart from that the only real value of thisvehicle is the fact that it stops enemies from Overwatching near it. (For a cheapalternative hear consider a Rhino with a Dirge Caster: 40pts). So allconsidered this unit is quite a personal choice because it is pricey but unlessyour enemy is overflowing with melta or haywire weaponry (beware Wyches here)nothing will kill your massive clump of metal.

Mauler Fiend – (No upgrades) – 125pts

As with the Land Raider this is quite a personal decision.Personally I love the Mauler Fiend model and this particular army is lackinganything that could deal with a threat like a Land Raider or Monolith so thisunit seemed ideal to fill that gap. On another note this thing makes for anexcellent bullet magnet, as the sheer size of thing will usually attract a halftonne of firepower. But fear not, having “It will not die” and a 5++ save frombeing a Daemon is very nice to save you from that.

(10)Havocs – 4xPlasma Gun, Rhino – 200pts

This is perhaps my favourite unit in this whole list. Its worthit purely for the look on the opponents face when you disembark these guys nextto the enemies Terminator squad and unleash 8(!!!!) S7 AP2 shots. Not much willstand against these guys for long at range and anybody trying to enter combatstill has a devastating Overwatch to deal with. These guys have incredibly highmobility and terrifying firepower meaning they should almost always be whereyou need them and will almost always kill whatever you point them at. Theseguys can deal out a fair bit of damage against Vehicles but my advice would be don’twaste them on anything above AV11 its simply a waste of 8 AP2 shots which willmow through any infantry formation.

So there you have it! 2000pts of beautiful Choas. I hopethis was helpful and helps you bring glory to the Chaos Gods! BLOOD FOR THEBLOOD GOD!

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

2000pts Space Wolf Army List

A good blizzard is blowing outside today, so I thought it would be the perfect time to upload a few of the Space Wolf army lists I use, and discuss the tactics behind them.

Logan Grimnar, the Great Wolf - 275pts

Rune Priest - 120pts
-Terminator armour

Rune Priest - 120pts
-Runic armour

Grey Hunters Pack (10) - 245pts
-plasma gun
-plasma gun
-power fist
-Wolf Standard
-Mark of the Wulfen

Grey Hunters Pack (10) - 235pts
-plasma gun
-power fist
-Wolf Standard
-Mark of the Wulfen

Grey Hunters Pack (10) - 235pts
-power fist
-Wolf Standard
-Mark of the Wulfen

Wolf Guard Pack (4) - 247pts
(Drop Pod)
-4x Terminator armour
-2x Wolf Claw
-Chainfist, Wolf Claw
-Power fist, storm shield
-Wolf Claw, storm shield

Thunderwolf Cavalry (3) - 270pts
-3x Storm Shields
-Thunder hammer

Long Fangs Pack (6) - 140pts
-5x Missile launchers

Long Fangs Pack (6) - 115pts
-5x Heavy bolters

Ok, the ideas behind this are that the Grey Hunters with 1 Rune Priest move forward to take the middle ground, supporting the Thunderwolves and Wolf Guard. The Long Fangs stay back and provide covering fire, along with 1 Rune Priest.

I attach Logan to the Wolf Guard, and have them in their Drop Pod deep strike close by the Thunderwolves. This means that they can support each other well, and the Thunderwolves can make up for the Wolf Guard's huge lack of ranged weaponry.
The reason I load them out like this is that they really are there to deal with the heaviest units the enemy can bring, and usually do. The most difficult part to this unit is where to deep strike it. It is imperative that they aren't separated, as certainly in one of my games where I thought it would be 'a frankly genius idea' to put them behind the enemy lines, they were just swarmed and eventually died rather stupidly...
Getting second turn sometimes actually helps with this tactic, as the TWC can usually get a charge on the enemy if they've moved forward enough, locking them up, creating a safe place to Drop Pod these guys in.

The Grey Hunter Packs are fairly self explanatory. I try to keep them in the rhinos as long as possible, minimising casualties, then when in a decent position to rapid fire, disembark and do so. Don't let them get split up, I try to keep the two packs with flamers close to each other, with the 2x plasma squad getting backed up by the Rune Priest, usually with Prescience and Jaws of the World Wolf.

And finally, the Long Fangs. The missile guys have been especially effective; de-meching enemy squads leaving juicy targets for the TWC. With frag and krak missiles, these guys can deal with just about every target.
The heavy bolters can be a little more problematic. They're usually out of range, especially early game, and unfortunately usually stay there if no one gets past the Grey Hunters. This can often lead to a turn of frantic scrambling forward to get to better firing positions.
The Rune Priest supporting these 2 squads usually has Prescience and Living Lightning.

Wow, so that's plenty to go on there! But quickly, some cons to the list:
As I mentioned above, the placement of the Wolf Guard with Logan is usually the turning point. Second go can make it a little easier, as we can see where the battle may go.
The heavy bolters' range can be a nuisance, especially when the enemy sit back.

So there we have it!
Please leave comments on any thoughts you have about it.

Space Wolves, the Structure

Greetings once again. This post is really just to outline that I will be running the Space Wolf and Dark Angel (once I get round to buying the new codex) section around here.
As mentioned in the first post, there will be tactics and army lists all for our favourite group of drunken Space Marines!
Until then, for The Allfather!


Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Chaos Space Marine Call to Arms

Hey everybody just as the announcement post I just want to welcome you all to our blog. I’m Gowen and I will be responsible for the Chaos Space Marine posts on this blog (and the Dark Eldar ones as well but these will come later). So I aim here to provide entertaining battle reports, helpful advice and some useful sample army lists.


The Eastern Fringe's Debut Post!

Hello to all that have visited The Eastern Fringe! This is a blog which has been set up by a group of 3 friends, and we are looking to collaborate to make it the best it can be! 

Between us we collect: Space Wolves, Dark Angels, Chaos Space Marines, Dark Eldar and Necrons, so will be posting up articles related to these races.  Hopefully, these articles will be on tactics, army lists, unit reviews- the usual, as well as a multitude of battle reports.

Later this year we are also hoping to do a painting project to finally get our armies painted, so we'll post updates on that too.

So in the meantime, bear with us, we'll hopefully have our first battle reports this weekend!
